2007年5月29日 星期二

Adjective Clause/形容詞子句

◎ 在句子裡,相當形容詞作用的子句,稱為「形容詞子句」。

◎ 引導形容詞子句的附屬連接詞(關係代名詞)有:that, who, which, whose, whom,(that 可替代主格和受格的代名詞,that = who, which, whom)。

◎ 關係代名詞具有「連接詞」和「代名詞」的功能。

◎ 關係副詞:when, where, why, how,也可引導形容詞子句,唯它是當副詞用,不可在其引導的子句裡,做主詞、受詞、或形容詞。

◎ 關係代名詞引導的「形容詞子句」又叫「關係子句」,修飾其前面的「先行詞」

1. This is the man who came this morning.這位就是今天早上來的人。(先行詞:人,主格用法)
2. He is the boy who wrote this letter. 他就是寫這封信的男孩。(先行詞:人,主格)
3. Mary is a girl who has big eyes. 瑪莉是一個有大眼睛的女孩。(先行詞:人,主格)
4. Is he the student who wears glasses? 他是那個戴眼鏡的學生嗎?(先行詞:人,主格)
5. The girl who laughed hard is my sister. 那個大笑的女生是我的妹妹。(先行詞:人,主格)
6. The man who is sitting there is her brother. 那個正坐在那邊的男人,是她的哥哥。(先行詞:人,主格)
7. John is a boy who likes to play. 約翰是個喜歡玩的小孩。(先行詞:人,主格)
8. Heaven helps those who help themselves. 自助者天助。(先行詞:人,主格)
9. Everybody likes a child who is honest. 每個人都喜歡誠實的小孩。(先行詞:人,主格)
10. The baby that is sleeping is my little brother. 正在睡覺的嬰孩是我的弟弟。(先行詞:人,主格)
11. I heard a story which was very funny. 我聽過一則很有趣的故事。(先行詞:物,主格)
12. The dog which bit you is Sam’s pet. 咬你的狗是山姆的寵物。(先行詞:物,主格)
13. He wants a car which runs really fast. 他要一部真的跑得很快的車。(先行詞:物,主格)
14. He has a son whose name is Tom.他有一個名叫湯姆的兒子。(先行詞:人,所有格用法)
15. The book whose cover is red is fifty dollars. 這本紅色封面的書,要價五十元。(先行詞:物,所有格用法)
16. She is the girl whom I met yesterday.她就是我昨天遇見的女孩。(先行詞:人,受格用法)
17. This is the house which I bought last year. 這棟就是我去年買的房子。(先行詞:物,受格)
18. The watch which I bought yesterday is good. 我昨天買的這只手錶很好。(先行詞:物,受格)
19. This is the book that I have read. 這本就是我所讀過的書。(先行詞:物,受格)
20. He showed me the watch which he bought yesterday. 他把他昨天所買的手錶,秀給我看。(先行詞:物,受格)
21. I found the wallet that he lost last week. 我發現他上星期弄丟的皮夾。(先行詞:物,受格)
22. The car which he bought costs a million. 他買的車價值一百萬。(先行詞:物,受格)
23. This is the book which I bought yesterday. 這本就是我昨天所買的書。(先行詞:物,受格)
24. This is the reason why I was angry.這就是為什麼我會生氣的原因。
25. I went to the place where I could find him.我去過這個我可以找到他的地方。

26. (自我練習)他們是住在公園旁邊的人。
27. 那個長得像Justin的男人是她的同學。
28. 你認識那個正在喝咖啡的女孩嗎?
29. 王先生責備他那個沒通過考試的兒子。
30. 我們沒有給那個態度不好的服務生小費。
31. 她是個常常作弊的學生。
32. 我要和你高中同學約翰出去。
33. 他們不喜歡那個對他們很壞的李老師。
34. Amy買的巧克力很好吃(good to eat)。
35. 台北市立動物園是我週末最喜歡去的地方。
36. 他太太選的襯衫太大了。
37. 他煎的牛排很美味。
38. 我以前種的植物現在看來很不錯。
39. 這就是傑克數年前買下的房子。
40. 新加坡是我最喜歡到訪的城市。
41. 我爸爸買了那個打七折的DVD播放器。
42. 她織的毛衣花色很多。(自我練習如有疑問,請來信。)


● 一定要用that的句子:(一)最高級形容詞:He is the best student that I teach.(二)人+動物:I saw a boy and his dog that were crossing the street.(三)the same (the only, the very, any, all)+ 先行詞:This is the only book that I have. You are the only boy that knows her. This is all that I know.(四)序數:He is the first man that knows it.(五)Who(Which)…..that….? Who is the girl that is speaking to him? Which is the story that you like best?

● What = all that = the thing(s) which :(1)You may do what you like. = You may do all that you like. (2)All I know is this. = All that I know is this. = What I know is this. (3)What is mine is yours. = The things which are mine are yours. (4)Never leave until tomorrow what you should do today. (5)I don’t believe what you say.

Adverb Clause/副詞子句


(二)引導「副詞子句」的連接詞有:wh~, how, whenever, while, as, since, till, until, after, as long as, as often as, as soon as, the moment that, no sooner …..than, by the time, any time, wherever, if, unless, in case, provided that, suppose that, on condition that, so that, once, because, now that, so that, though, although, even if, even though, whether等。


(1) 時間:
I was working when you telephoned.
Mary saw Bill when he passed by the window.
John was not shocked until he saw the sick child.

(2) 地方:Where there is a will, there is a way.

Mary followed Tom wherever he went.

Helen was told to stay where she was.

(3) 狀態:
Do as I have told you.
David did his work as he was told.
Paul ran as if a mad dog was chasing him.

(4) 理由:
As it was very cold, I did not go out.
Kevin failed in the examination because he was too lazy.
Since Samuel was still a boy, he was not admitted.

(5) 目的:
He works hard so that he may succeed.
We eat so that we may live.
Don’t go near the pier lest you should fall into the water.

(6) 讓步:
Though he is poor, he is honest.
Though Jimmy is young, he is an able executive.
No matter what you say, I will sue him for damages.

(7) 比較:
He is as tall as I am.
James works harder than George does.
The more money he has, the more he wants.

(8) 條件:
If you don’t work hard, you will fail.
I shall come if Linda also comes.
The match will be played tomorrow if it stops raining now.

(9) 結果:
He worked so hard that he succeeded.
He ran so quickly that Alice could not catch up.
Rose sang with such a beautiful voice that the audience was completely absorbed in the music.


(1)It is + adj + to Vo
+ N + n.cl
It is a big mistake to say that money is not everything.
It is difficult to learn English without a dictionary.
adj : well know, impossible, important, incorrect, correct, unlikely, likely, wise, unwise, useless
N : a big problem, question, a great advantage, a big honor, a good policy, a bad idea.

It is impossible to see Moon have any animal live there.
For example, it is well know to use dictionary learn a new world.
It is important to get good score in an examination.
It is incorrect to answer the police "Could you pretend no see what I am doing now ?".
It is unlike to buy merchandise in shopping center.
It is likely to run as fast as cat.
It is useless to collect so much garbage.

It is a big problem to input Chinese characters in mobile phones.
It is question to find the best solution .
It is a great advantage to get your help that improve the efficient of machine .
It is big honor to receive your invite.
It is a good policy to help people save money.
It is a bad idea that will get trouble.

(2) S + (think, believe, find, consider) + it + (adj / N) + to Vo + n.cl
I think it wise to made the police know to everybody.
We find it necessary to take a quick action.
We think it popular to have pre-sex.
We think it normal that young guys like pop music.

I consider it an insult to do that.
I think it a security to protect VIP.
He believe it truth to against lie.
You consider it a safe to save money.

(3) (There / Here) + be verb + N
There are some starts see in the sky.
There is VIP living in the neighborhood.
Here are three good books for you reference.

(4) Lose sentence : main cause + adv.cl
Periodic sentence : adv .cl + main cl
The cops failed because the season was dry.
Don't talk while you are eating.

I was working when you telephoned.
Mary followed Tom wherever he went.
If you don’t work hard, you will fail.
Though he is poor, he is honest.

(5) Compound Sentence
i. S + V + 對等連接詞 + S +V (對等連接詞 : but/or/and/for/because/and/so)
My bother wear glasses, for her near-sighted.

ii. S + V ; S + V ( ; 可表 but and)
Some boy like math ; other hate it.

iii. S + V + 轉折語連接詞 ; + S + V (轉折語連接詞 : however/or else/beside/nevertheless)
The result were poor ; however ; we were not surprise.
然而 : beside/moreover/furthermore/in addition
否則 : or else/otherwise/
因此 : thus/hence/therefore/accordingly/consequently

(6) 不定詞 ,S + V
In order to help digestion, he usually take walk after dinner.
To improve his English, he hired a native speaker for teacher.

(7)分詞 , S + V
Walking down the street, he saw a strange thing.
(When he walked down the street he saw a strange thing)
Being extremely timid, he dare not try.
(Because he is extremely timid, he dear not try.)

(8)介 + Ving , S + V (on/since/before/after/in)
Upon returning home, he found a stranger in.
By reading news paper everyday, you can improve your English.
Thought constantly writing to her, he finally won her heart.

(9)介系詞片語 , S + V
With a little patience, you can solve the problem.
In spite of so many difficulties, we still carried on our project.

(10)(轉折語/插入語/adv) , S + V
Moreover , he is intelligent.
Basically, man are different from woman.

2007年5月20日 星期日

Multiplicative Numberals / 倍數詞

half a + N or a half + N
half a day = a half day

half of 可數N 複數V
all of + 不可數N + 單數V
Half of money was stole.
He was half sleep.
Little boy was half of dead from hunger.

I am double her weight.
Sales doubled in the last five month.
When you drink too much, you something see double.
I posted a double page advertisement.
He led a double left.

half / twice / double / three times / four times + the (my/your/their)
The manager earns four times my salary.

倍數詞 as + adj(adv) + as
Their hours is about 3 times as big as ours.
Jason jumped twice as high as Greg.
This watch is five times as expensive as that one.

倍數詞 + more than
This watch is five times more expensive than that one.

2007年5月13日 星期日




2.TOEIC Official Test Preparation Guide 2nd - OG (ETS)

3.Thomson Preparation Course for the TOEIC Test 1 & 2


Part I

l 類型一:動作型考題 (2003年出過四次)

兩個時態的對決:完成式 進行式 之間的互動


Somebody is closing the window. (進行式) X

Somebody has closed the window. (完成式) O


Somebody is pouring water into the glass.

沒有人正在倒→ Somebody has poured water into the glass. 也是可以選擇的


part II It’s pouring outside. 外面正下著傾盆大雨

l 類型二:建築工事型考題 (12月考了兩個題目)


construction workers repair the roof (屋頂) / attic (閣樓) / ceiling (天花板)


廣場:plaza / square

Show:民俗舞蹈者:folk dancer

旁邊的觀眾:audience / spectators (spect = to see)


一堆人在翻修房子:renovate = remodel整建

工人與主人把藍圖攤開”(unfurl)檢視” (examine)



整地:level the ground

舖地:pavement (今年四月份) 人行道

木頭拋光:sand the board


鑽地:drill / (n)練習;鑽研 / 牙醫師用的工具



板手:monkey wrench

l 類型三:辦公室型考題


字紙簍:trash basket


辦公室文件格:letter tray(托盤) (今年12月有考)

有一個男人正在整理他文件格裡的東西:organize letter tray

rearrange (letter tray) 重新安排,需考慮物體的大小

很輕易可以移動的話:1. 重新把上面的東西整理一下。2.把他的位置重新擺放。

e.g.> rearrange the desk


presentation型的題目,所有人都在講話嗎?所有人都在做筆記嗎?有沒有人在發講義? (同中求異,異中求同)

發講義 pass out note / passing out handouts

作簡報 brief (在文法改錯題時不可加介系詞)

e.g.> O I briefing my supervisor. 不可以說X I briefing to my supervisor.

卡紙 paper jam

l 類型四:衣飾服裝與Accessories(衣服配件)型考題

帽子:cap(只有前緣,像鴨舌帽、護士帽 nurse cap) / hat (360度都有帽緣的帽子)

l 類型五:交通工具型考題 (每一組會考一~兩張)

1. 火車與月台

on the edge of platform 在月台邊緣 (12月份考題)

在邊緣 就快要:on the edge of = on the verge of

以圖片中線為基準判斷火車進站(entry)與否:is entering / has entered

2. 公車與行李 luggage (集合名詞,不加s)

a piece of luggage 一件行李


行李:load A onto B

行李:unload A from B

除非四個選項都有提及這是一台tour bus,否則你無法確定他是不是一台tour bus

3. 船與水面,船與橋


The bridge has been raised to let the boat pass underneath.

水面平靜無波(the water is calm) 還是大風大浪(the water is rough)

看到船、人、車、馬,就要想到race or no race,是否有競賽

4. 乘客的動作

Waiting / get it on / get it off

5. 公車司機角色

收車錢 collect fare

l 類型六:交通型考題


流向:車子數目超過一部以上要自問,Are they going in the same direction or in the opposite directions?

或者是他們採取的是同一條道路、走同一個方向,they are taking the same route.

Take a route 走哪一個路徑

流量: the traffic is heavy / the traffic is light

羊腸小徑:path / trail

l 類型七:拆箱(unpack)或裝箱(pack)型考題

l 類型八:加油站型考題

加滿油:fill it up (注意連音)


修車廠:garage /

維修、保養:having a tune-up

備胎:spare tire

爆胎:burst tire

輪胎沒氣:flat tire

l 類型九:農場型考題 (去年年底一直出現)



建築型題目:bulldozer 推土機 / crane 起重機

收割榖物機器:harvesting(收割;收穫,動名同型) machine



農夫把落葉耙成一堆:the farmer is raking the fallen leaves.

犁:plow(用鋤頭挖) the farmer is plowing the route.

牛隻羊隻放牧:graze / the cow is grazing. O / the cow is ranking. X

seed 種子(n) / 播種(v)

weed 雜草(n) / 除草(v)


fertilizer 肥料 (fertile 有生育能力的,肥沃的;-ize 使他變得)

insecticide 除蟲劑 (insect 蟲;-cide )

l 類型十:拍照型考題

相本:photo album (今年出現過)

被拍照者有沒有出現在圖片裡頭 (通常是沒有)


e.g.> A woman is taking a photograph at her family. X

l 類型十一:健康檢查 (physical examination)型考題

l 類型十二:頒獎、領獎型考題 (12月份考題,今年出現了三組)

頒獎:present an award (呈現一項獎項)

領獎:receive an award


The woman is handing a certificate to the man.

l 類型十三:房屋電梯的裝設品型考題 (今年出現了三四組)

Elevator:材質 material


l 類型十四:樂手(musician)在戶外(outdoors / adv.)型考題 (12月份考題,今年每隔兩組就出現一次)

The musicians are performing outdoors.

鼓手 drummer

吹長笛() flute (流行性感冒 flu /水果 fruit )



l 類型十五:買賣型考題

所買賣的東西有沒有價格在上面 price on that

l 類型十六:餐廳型考題 (2003年出過四次)


餐點已經上了:The meal has been served.

已經吃完了:The dish is empty.

曾出過最小的餐具:saucer 專門拿來裝醬料的小碟子


l 類型十七:路標型考題 (今年上半年度出現過兩組,下半年度還沒有出現)

Sign / Signal

What does the sign tell you to do or not to do? Warn

l 類型十八:停車場型考題

露天:parking lot


l 類型十九:風景型考題 (2003年出過兩三組,12月出了三張圖片)

有兩個男人在河岸邊釣魚 two men are fishing beside the shore.

河堤:river bank

有一個男人在撿一片木頭 pick up a piece of wood.

chopping the wood

撲滅森林大火:put out the forest fires (年初的題目)

一個女人在河邊散步 walking beside the river

l 類型二十:運動型考題 (每年必考)

網球:即將拍、正在拍、已經在拍 (今年都考網球運動)

12月份考題:The woman is going to hit the ball.

12月份考題出現一堆人在書店(bookstore)排隊(form a line / make a line)等著作者來簽名

插隊:cutting the line

Part I準備範圍:

550分以下:Complete Guide系列

550分以上:Thomson 2 / Peterson 系列 exercise

Part II


出現最多的Why didn’t you / Why weren’t you (Why + beV / V的過去式) Asking for a reason AnswerX Yes / No

1. Where is the meeting supposed to be help? Where / is→未來式,尚未發生

2. Why didn’t we leave early? Why / didn’t

3. How about eating out tonight? How about Ans: Yes / No

4. When will you make the reservation? When / will

5. Where should I get this form? Where / should 沒有時態的問題,指的是現在

6. Why were you assenting last Sunday? were / last (Sunday), 過去式

7. You just finished your project, didn’t you? finish or not, 過去式


將之視為Yes / No Question來處理即可

8. Have you ever eaten at that restaurant? 完成式會佔去1/3題目

完成式與時間點有關的:How long have you finish… Ans: For + 期間 或是 Since + 過去子句 / 過去時間

9. How can I … Ans:命令式 “Just”

今年Part II的趨勢:

1. Complete系列的四組難,因此準備要著重在3星級以上的題目。尤其是Complete 2 and 3裡面的新題款一定要會。

2. 相似音增多

3. 選項與題目聽起來太相近的通常是陷阱不要選,除非是or的題目。

4. 托福口語變多,看老師在Part II整句片語型的句子,在考前一定要看過。

5. 生字會取前測試,Part V, Part IV今年大量出現在Part II, Part IIIE.g.>implement 付諸實行

Part II準備範圍:不分分數設限

六組模考範圍Thomson 1 / Thomson 2

特別是Thomson 1-3 / 2-1 與最近考題的感覺最接近

Part III

1. location / occupation / activity / topic 題目偏多一點點,需要多一點單字的能力;建議以Thomson為主,考前以Complete裡這一類題目的文稿K生字。

2. 口語片語

3. 生字有變難的趨勢



在哪裡領行李,領行李區:baggage claim

要換班:Change the shift

生產線:assembly line

打折折數:discount rate


去喝下午茶 invitation

領現金不能領,被拒絕了reject 帳戶透支:overdrawn (adj.)

超速被開罰單,被開一張speedy ticket

工會代表要安排開會時間:union representative


Part III準備範圍:

Complete 看生字

Thomson When / Suggestion / Problem / Why 等題目

難度大約是Thomson 1-1;整體難度不會超過Thomson 2-3

Part IV



今天招募了多少新進員工(new comers)

健保:health insurance 與公司福利:company benefit

最後有任何的問題一定要找人事室處理:personnel office

2. Radio and Announcement

Weather forecast Traffic update 今年喜歡把天氣報告與交通更新報導何在一起考,通常是有暴風雨或濃霧的關係,導致交通狀況不良或是班機延誤。


最後一句會說:Stay tuned. (We’ll be right back after the break.) "稍待一下 不要走開"

3. 導遊的宣佈:tour guide announcement

看古希臘陶瓷展 Ancient Greek pottery 漆器 japans 瓷器 china


集合地點: rally point


1. 商場設施廣告

設施:facility / 精品店:boutique / 健身中心:fitness center

2. Airport Delay announcement

3. Office broadcast辦公室廣播

物資流通:recycle / 資源回收:circulate / 使其便利化:facilitate

4. 公司簡報:

1.彈性工時:flexible working hours


5. 公司週年慶 annual anniversary

6. 報社、 m 雜誌社調漲費率的聲明 subscription rate

兩題式、三題式居多;兩題式要小心 upside down,要固守第一題。


Part IV準備範圍:


Peterson 商品介紹型題目後面兩組


l 一二週

模考平均 550分以下 1.所有模考單字整理一下


模考平均 550分以上 3.例解商用英文表現法 P.97 Part II要讀

模考平均 780分以上 4.方瑩老師整理的單字書

l 三四週

第三週 安排時間 Thomson 1-1

Complete 1 / Thomson 2-1

Key-word, Twin Answers

第四週 Thomson 2-2 / 1-3 / 2-3

750分以上 Complete 3

Peterson 前面400exercise

l 第五週


Peterson 2

l 考前一天

Peterson 1練習與檢討

l 考前一小時

Peterson 1 4(聽三篇) 3(5~10) 2(5~10) 1(剩下時間全用來聽Part I)

l 最後一秒



1. 問卷,在Peterson裡有一份英文版問卷Sample。不記名,選可以跳到下面的選項,盡快寫完就好。

2. 趁亂偷看題本,偷偷撕開,偷看Part I,前兩題一定要拿到分數,把心定下來。

3. 備考心態,看一下容錯比例。

4. Reading的部分,時間分配的比重以Part VII為重,其次Part VI,最後Part V













will + V

will learn


have + Ved

have learn


had + Ved

had learn


will have + Ved

will have learn


The moon moves round the earth.

The sun rises in the east and set in the west.

Heaven helps those who help themselves.

The teacher said that the earth is larger than the moon.

現在式表示沒有時限的持久存在的動作或狀態或現階段反復發生的動作或狀態,常和副詞 usuallyoftenalways sometimes regularlynearoccasionallyevery year, every week 等連用。
Mr. Smith travels to work by bus every day.

He often goes to the church on Sundays.

在 由afteruntilbeforeoncewheneven ifin caseas long asas soon asthe moment 以及 ifunless 等引導的時間子句或條件子句中,通常用一般現在式代替未來式。例如:
I will tell him the news as soon as I see him.
I will not go to countryside if it rains tomorrow.
I will have arrived by the time the meeting begins.

某些表示起始的動詞,可用一般現在式表示按規定、計畫或安排要發生的動作,這類動詞有:begocomestartdepartarrivebeginleave 等。例如:
The plane leaves at three sharp.
The new teachers arrive tomorrow.

在由whywhatwherewhoeverwhothatas 等引導的子句中,也常用一般現在式代替未來式。例如:
Free tickets will be given to whoever comes first.
You will probably be in the same train as I am tomorrow.


The Korean War broke out in 1950.

Her son entered the college last year.

He ask me when Caesar invaded England.

表示過去某一特定時間所發生的、可完成的動作或狀態,常與表示確切過去式間的詞、短語或子句連用。如 yesterday, last year, in 1949, a minute ago, just now例如:
We went to the pictures last night and saw a very interesting film.

He went to the station yesterday.
I met the man three years ago.

I shall graduate next year.

He always went to class last.
I used to do my homework in the library.
(注意與be used to doing短語的區別)

since 引導的狀語子句多用一般過去式.主句中一般用完成式
He has changed much since I saw him last.

I wish I could remember it.
I wish I had been there.

If I were you, I would stay at home.
If it hadn't been raining, I would have come to visit you.

be going to +v在口語中廣泛使用,表示準備做或將發生的事情。例如:
I’m going to buy a house when we’ve saved enough money.

be to +v表示計畫安排要做的事,具有必要的強制性意義。例如:
I am to play tennis this afternoon.

be about to +v表示即將發生的事情。例如:
He was about to start.

4be due to +v表示預先確定了的事, 必定發生的事。例如:
The train is due to depart in ten minutes.

be on the point/verge of + Ving 強調即將發生的某種事態。例如:
The baby was on the point of crying when her mother finally came home.

6) 有些動詞用現在進行式,表示在最近按計劃或安排要進行的動作,多和表示未來時間的狀語連用

We are leaving on Friday.

表示現在正在進行的動作,常與nowright nowat the momentfor the time beingfor the present等連用。例如:
Don’t disturb her. She is reading a newspaper now.

表示現階段經常發生的動作, 常與alwayscontinuallyforeverconstantly等連用。例如:
My father is forever criticizing me.

They are leaving for Hong Kong next month.

有些動詞不能用進行式,這是一類表示感覺,感情,存在,從屬等的動詞。如:seehearsmelltastefeelnoticelookappear,(表示感覺的詞);hatelovefearlikewantwishpreferrefuseforgive(表示感情的動詞);beexistremainstayobtain(表示存在狀態的動詞);havepossessowncontainbelongconsist ofform(表示佔有與從屬的動詞);understandknowbelievedoubtforgetremember(表示思考理解的動詞)。但是如果它們詞義改變,便也可用進行式態。例如:
Tom looks pale. What’s wrong with him?
look 在此為聯繫動詞,意為顯得,看上去
Tom is looking for his books.

look 在此為實義動詞,意為尋找

We were discussing the matter when the headmaster entered.
Whenever I visited him, he was always writing at the desk.

This time next day they will be sitting in the cinema.

What will you be doing at six tomorrow evening?

I have just finished my homework.
John and Mary have know each other since 1990.
Mary has been ill for three days.
I have seen an elephant several times.
He has lived in the village for ten years.
She has gone to Pusan with her son. = She went to Pusan with her son and she is not here now.

常與現在完成式連用的時間狀語有:since, for, during, over等引導出的短語;副詞already, yet, just, ever, now, before, often, lately, recently等;狀語片語this week (morning, month, year), so far, up to now, many times, up to the present等。例如:
I haven’t been there for five years.
So far, she hasn’t enjoyed the summer vacation.
There have been a lot of changes since 1978.

This is one of the rarest questions that have ever been raised at such a meeting.
There was a knock at the door. That was the second time someone had interrupted me that evening.

We had just had our breakfast when Tom came in.
By the end of last year they had turned out 5, 000 bicycles.

動詞expect, hope, mean, intend, plan, suppose, wish, want, desire等用過去完成式,表示過去的希望、預期、意圖或願望等沒有實現。例如:
I had meant to take a good holiday this year, but I wasn’t able to get away.

was / were + to have done sth, 例如:
We were to have come yesterday, but we couldn’t.

2intended (expected, hope, meant, planned, supposed, wished, wanted, desired) + to have done sth, 例如:
I meant to have told you about it, but I forgot to do so.


1hardly, scarcely, barely + 過去完成式+ when + 過去式。例如:
Hardly had I got on the bus when it started to move.

2no sooner +過去完成式+ than +過去式。例如:
No sooner had I gone out than he came to see me.

3by (the end of ) +過去式間,主句中謂語動詞用過去完成式。例如:

The experiment had been finished by 4 o’clock yesterday afternoon.

未來完成式表示在未來某一時刻將完成或在另一個未來的動作發生之前已經完成的動作;也可以用來表示一種猜測。常與未來完成式連用的時間狀語有:by (the time / the end of ) + 表示未來時間的短語和句子;before (the end of ) + 表示未時間的詞語或句子;when, after等加上表示未來動作的句子等。例如:
I will have finish this work by five o’clock.
He will have bought a house before he is forty.
I shall have read it three times if I read it again.
By this time tomorrow you will have arrived in Shanghai.
I shall have finished this composition before 9 o’clock.
When we get on the railway station, the train will probably have left.

I have been looking for my lost book for three days, but I still haven’t found it.

有少數動詞如work, study, live, teach , 用現在完成式和現在完成進行式意思相差無幾.
How long have you studied here?
How long have you been studying here?

They have widened the road.
They have been widening the road.

It had been raining cats and dogs for over a week and the downpour had caused landslides in many places.

By the time you arrive tonight, she will have been typing for hours.

I was talking on the phone when she left.
It was out of army 3 months ago.
I have been out of army 3 months. (

I put the bottle on the table.(
The bottle was put on the table by me.(
The bottle has been put on the table by me.(

I know that I made the right choice.
I wanted to go home because I missed my parents.
I will be so happy if they fix my car today.
You will surely pass this exam if you studied hard.

They believe that they have elected the right candidate.
The President says that he will veto the bill.

She knew she had made the right choice.
The Deists believed that the universe is like a giant clock.
She has grown 30cm since she turned nine.
The crowd had turned nasty before the sheriff returned.

The college will probably close its doors next summer if enrollments have not increased.
Most students will have taken sixty credits by the time they graduate.
Most students will have taken sixty credits by the time they have graduated.