2007年5月29日 星期二

Adjective Clause/形容詞子句

◎ 在句子裡,相當形容詞作用的子句,稱為「形容詞子句」。

◎ 引導形容詞子句的附屬連接詞(關係代名詞)有:that, who, which, whose, whom,(that 可替代主格和受格的代名詞,that = who, which, whom)。

◎ 關係代名詞具有「連接詞」和「代名詞」的功能。

◎ 關係副詞:when, where, why, how,也可引導形容詞子句,唯它是當副詞用,不可在其引導的子句裡,做主詞、受詞、或形容詞。

◎ 關係代名詞引導的「形容詞子句」又叫「關係子句」,修飾其前面的「先行詞」

1. This is the man who came this morning.這位就是今天早上來的人。(先行詞:人,主格用法)
2. He is the boy who wrote this letter. 他就是寫這封信的男孩。(先行詞:人,主格)
3. Mary is a girl who has big eyes. 瑪莉是一個有大眼睛的女孩。(先行詞:人,主格)
4. Is he the student who wears glasses? 他是那個戴眼鏡的學生嗎?(先行詞:人,主格)
5. The girl who laughed hard is my sister. 那個大笑的女生是我的妹妹。(先行詞:人,主格)
6. The man who is sitting there is her brother. 那個正坐在那邊的男人,是她的哥哥。(先行詞:人,主格)
7. John is a boy who likes to play. 約翰是個喜歡玩的小孩。(先行詞:人,主格)
8. Heaven helps those who help themselves. 自助者天助。(先行詞:人,主格)
9. Everybody likes a child who is honest. 每個人都喜歡誠實的小孩。(先行詞:人,主格)
10. The baby that is sleeping is my little brother. 正在睡覺的嬰孩是我的弟弟。(先行詞:人,主格)
11. I heard a story which was very funny. 我聽過一則很有趣的故事。(先行詞:物,主格)
12. The dog which bit you is Sam’s pet. 咬你的狗是山姆的寵物。(先行詞:物,主格)
13. He wants a car which runs really fast. 他要一部真的跑得很快的車。(先行詞:物,主格)
14. He has a son whose name is Tom.他有一個名叫湯姆的兒子。(先行詞:人,所有格用法)
15. The book whose cover is red is fifty dollars. 這本紅色封面的書,要價五十元。(先行詞:物,所有格用法)
16. She is the girl whom I met yesterday.她就是我昨天遇見的女孩。(先行詞:人,受格用法)
17. This is the house which I bought last year. 這棟就是我去年買的房子。(先行詞:物,受格)
18. The watch which I bought yesterday is good. 我昨天買的這只手錶很好。(先行詞:物,受格)
19. This is the book that I have read. 這本就是我所讀過的書。(先行詞:物,受格)
20. He showed me the watch which he bought yesterday. 他把他昨天所買的手錶,秀給我看。(先行詞:物,受格)
21. I found the wallet that he lost last week. 我發現他上星期弄丟的皮夾。(先行詞:物,受格)
22. The car which he bought costs a million. 他買的車價值一百萬。(先行詞:物,受格)
23. This is the book which I bought yesterday. 這本就是我昨天所買的書。(先行詞:物,受格)
24. This is the reason why I was angry.這就是為什麼我會生氣的原因。
25. I went to the place where I could find him.我去過這個我可以找到他的地方。

26. (自我練習)他們是住在公園旁邊的人。
27. 那個長得像Justin的男人是她的同學。
28. 你認識那個正在喝咖啡的女孩嗎?
29. 王先生責備他那個沒通過考試的兒子。
30. 我們沒有給那個態度不好的服務生小費。
31. 她是個常常作弊的學生。
32. 我要和你高中同學約翰出去。
33. 他們不喜歡那個對他們很壞的李老師。
34. Amy買的巧克力很好吃(good to eat)。
35. 台北市立動物園是我週末最喜歡去的地方。
36. 他太太選的襯衫太大了。
37. 他煎的牛排很美味。
38. 我以前種的植物現在看來很不錯。
39. 這就是傑克數年前買下的房子。
40. 新加坡是我最喜歡到訪的城市。
41. 我爸爸買了那個打七折的DVD播放器。
42. 她織的毛衣花色很多。(自我練習如有疑問,請來信。)


● 一定要用that的句子:(一)最高級形容詞:He is the best student that I teach.(二)人+動物:I saw a boy and his dog that were crossing the street.(三)the same (the only, the very, any, all)+ 先行詞:This is the only book that I have. You are the only boy that knows her. This is all that I know.(四)序數:He is the first man that knows it.(五)Who(Which)…..that….? Who is the girl that is speaking to him? Which is the story that you like best?

● What = all that = the thing(s) which :(1)You may do what you like. = You may do all that you like. (2)All I know is this. = All that I know is this. = What I know is this. (3)What is mine is yours. = The things which are mine are yours. (4)Never leave until tomorrow what you should do today. (5)I don’t believe what you say.
