2007年1月29日 星期一



1. I very like it

   I like it very much.  

2. 這個價格對我挺合適的。

  The price is very suitable for me.

   The price is right.


NOTEsuitable(合適的、相配的)最常見的用法是以否定的形式出現在告示或通知上,如:下列節目兒童不宜。The following program is not suitable for children在這組句子中用後面的說法會更合適。


3. 你是做什麼工作的呢?What’s your job?

   Are you working at the moment?

  NOTEwhat’s your job這種說法難道也有毛病嗎?是的。因為如果您的談話物件剛剛失業,如此直接的問法會讓對方有失面子,所以您要問:目前您是在上班嗎?Are you working at the moment?接下來您才問:目前您在哪兒工作呢?Where are you working these days?或者您從事哪個行業呢?What line of work are you in?順帶說一下,回答這類問題時不妨說得具體一點,不要只是說經理或者秘書


4. 用英語怎麼說?How to say?

  How do you say this in English?

  NOTEHow to say是在中國最為氾濫成災的中國式英語之一,這決不是地道的英語說法。同樣的句子有:請問這個詞如何拼寫?How do you spell that please?請問這個單詞怎麼讀?How do you pronounce this word?


5. 明天我有事情要做。I have something to do tomorrow?

   Sorry but I am tied up all day tomorrow.

  用I have something to do來表示您很忙,這也完全是中國式的說法。因為每時每刻我們都有事情要做,躺在那裏睡大覺也是事情。所以您可以說我很忙,脫不開身:I’m tied up.還有其他的說法:I’m afraid I can’t make it at that time. I’d love to, but I can’t, I have to stay at home.


6. 我沒有英文名。I haven’t English name.

   I don’t have an English name.


  明白道理是一回事,習慣是另一回事,請您再說幾話:我沒有錢;I don’t have any money.我沒有兄弟姐妹;I don’t have any brothers or sisters.我沒有車。I don’t have a car.


7. 我想我不行。I think I cant.

    I don’t think I can.



8. 我的舞也跳得不好。I don’t dance well too.

    I am not a very good dancer either.

  NOTE:當我們說不擅長做什麼事情的時候,英語裏面通常用not good at something,英語的思維甚至直接踴躍到:我不是一個好的舞者。


9. 現在幾點鐘了?What time is it now?

    What time is it, please?

  NOTEWhat time is it now這是一個直接從漢語翻譯過的句子,講英語的時候沒有必要說now,因為您不可能問what time was it yesterday, 或者what time is it tommorow?所以符合英語習慣的說法是:請問現在幾點了?還有一種說法是:How are we doing for time?這句話在有時間限制的時候特別合適


10. 我的英語很糟糕。My English is poor.

   I am not 100% fluent, but at least I am improving.

NOTE:有人開玩笑說,全中國人最擅長的一句英文是:My English is poor.實話說,我從來沒有遇到一個美國人對我說:My Chinese is poor. 無論他們的漢語是好是壞,他們會說: I am still having a few problem, but I getting better.

  當您告訴外國人,您的英語很poorso what(那又怎麼樣呢),是要讓別人當場施捨給我們一些英語呢,還是說我的英語不好,咱們不談了吧。



2007年1月8日 星期一


In grammar, an adjective is a part of speech that modifies a noun or a pronoun, usually by describing it or making its meaning more specific. Adjectives exist in most languages.(from wikipedia)

Descriptive adjectives :
1)opinion (explains what you think about something): silly, beautiful, horrible, difficult
2)size (how big or small something) : big, small, little large, tiny, enormous(size + length + width)
3)age ( how young or old something or someone is): old, young,ancient, new
4)shap (It describes the shape of something): flat, damon,square, round, flat, rectangular
5)color : blue, pink, reddish, grey
6)origin : Janpennes,French, lunar, American, eastern, Greek
7)material :wooden, metal, cotton, paper
8)Purpose : Purpose A purpose adjective describes what something is used for. These adjectives often end with “-ing”.Examples:sleeping (as in “sleeping bag”), roasting (as in “roasting tin”)

ex : May bought a beautiful, round, pink, Japanese strawberry cake.

Quantitative adjectives :
many : He has a few books. He has many friends.
many a + 單數n
ex : I have visited many contrys. = I have visited many a contry.
a member of , a great/good/large number of

可數 不可數
many much
a number of an mount of
a large number of a large amount of
few little
a few a little

a lot of = lots of
plenty of (many)

ex : I have a lot of books.
I have lots of books.
I eat a lot. I eat a lot of food.
It rain a lot.

not a few = many = quit a few
ex : There are not a few children playing games in the park.

not a little = much = quit a little
He has not a little money but I have not a few books.

enough + 可數 n or 可數n + enough
+ 不可數 n 不可數 +
ex : I have enough money to bu a car.
I have money enough to buy a car.

adj + enough
ex: He is old enough to go school.

not.......enough = too ....... to
ex : His is too young to go to school.
He is so young that he can't go to school.

several + 可數n
I've read the book several times.
He know saveral langurage.

2007年1月6日 星期六





例句:He always smiles.




例句:The soup tastes delicious.




例句:I like taking pictures of birds and insects.




例句:She told her children an interesting story.




例句:I found the room empty.

  相信大家用I do与You look handsome/ beautiful 两句简单句子,就把英文文法五大基本句型的两种S+V与S+V+C轻易记住了。

  只要掌握了五大句型,以后写简单句(simple sentence)、合句(compound sentence)、复句(complex sentence)、复合句(compound-complex sentence),都可以避免犯文法错误了。


  受词(object)在句子中充当动作的承受者,因此一般都放在及物动词(transitive verb)之后。


  你情不自禁的欲向你的新郎/新娘子表示爱意,于是说:“I love you.”



  现在你只要轻轻朗读I do, you look handsome, I love you,就可牢记三大基本句型了。



  请再幻想回到教堂行婚礼,这时你温柔地对新郎/新娘说:You make me happy.


  然而,有一点需要补充说明:这句中的happy是受词补语(object complement),通常放在直接受词后面,补语的意义也和受词有关,所以You make me happy(即I am happy)与前面举的例句You look handsome(即You are handsome)这类主语补语(subject complement)是有分别的。


  两个object中,前一个叫间接受词(indirect object),后一个叫直接受词(direct object)。

  神父/牧师宣布你俩已是合法夫妻后,你们自然得如银幕上的男女主角般轻轻拥吻,于是你轻轻地说:I'll give you a kiss.


V-ing Phrases

句型 : S1+V1 and S2+V2 -> S1+V1, S2 + V2ing

Jim was playing tennis. He hurt his arm.
>Jim hurt hid arm playing tennis.

You were feeling tired. So you went to bed early.
>Feeling tired, I went to bed early.
PS : If the -ing phrase is first, we write a comma(,) after it.

When two things happen at the same time, you can use -ing for one of the verbs.
Carol is in the kitchen making coffee. (=she is in the kitchen and she is making coffee)
A man ran out of the house shouting. (=he ran out of the house and he was shouting)
Do something! Don't just stand there doing nothing.

We also -ing when one action happens during another action. We use -ing for the longer action.
The longer action is the second part of sentence :
>Jim hurt his arm playing tennis.(= while he was playing)
>Did you cut yourself shaving?(= while you were shaving)

You can also use -ing after while or when :
>Jim hurt his arm while playing tennis.
>Be careful when crossing the road. (= when you are crossing)

When one action happens before another action, we use having done for the first action :
>Having found a hotel, we looked for someplace to have dinner.
>Having fished her work, she went home.

You can also say after -ing
>After finishing her work, she went home.

If one short action follows another short action, you can use simple -ing from(doing instead of having done) for the first action.
>Taking a key out of his pocket, he opened the door.

These structures are used more in written English than in spoke English.

You can use the an -ing phrase to explain something or to say why somebody does something.
The -ing phrase usually come first
>Feeling tired, I went to bed early. = because I felt tired
>Being unemployed, he doesn't have much money. = because he is unemployed
>Not having card, she find it difficult to get around. = because she doesn't have car
>Having already seen the movie twice, I didn't want to go to the movie. = because I had already seen it twice.